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Grow and Eat Local - Lakeside Community Garden

Today more then ever nutrition seems complex and confusing. From the concepts of organic to GMOs, from gluten-to-gluten free, from paleo to many other formal diets figuring out what is best these days seems complex and confusing. It doesn't have to be. One of the best principles to follow is to simply know where your food is coming from and eat as close to the source as you can. The less that is added to food either in the gorwing stages or processing stages the more likely the better it is for you. This means eating local and seasonal produce.

Here in the west end of Kingston there is an amazing project going on that can solve all these issues while at the same time helping you meet new people, have fun, and even get some exercise. It is call the Lakeside Community Garden.

The garden is located behind Centre 70 area at the corners of Days and Bath road. The concept is simple, rent a plot of land, cultivate and grow whatever suits you and have fun. For a mere $30 annual fee you recieve a 10' x 10' plot of your own land. Grow anything from produce to flowers. Infact this year they have made the process even easier by having a sale of seedlings as well. On Saturday May 17th and 24th from 9am - Noon your can buy heirloom varities of tomatos, squash, and pumpkins. Stop by 815 Wartman Ave, Kingston. All proceeds go directly to the comminity garden!

Heirloom Sale:

Saturday May 17th and 24th

9am - Noon

815 Wartman Ave, Kingston

Written By:

Dr. Michael Korczynski


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